The Origins and Implementation of the Heresy of Social Gospel
We have been writing much about this heresy of Social Gospel here on this website, in our old group on Facebook and still continuing to expose it in our new Facebook group. We have focused mainly on presenting the characteristics of this heresy, but let us explore a little into the origins of this heresy
The False Prophet !
Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios said this about “the false prophet”: “…this person appears joyous, full of optimism and smiles. He promises freedom, material abundance, peace, wonderful social life, ecumenicity, or one happy world community…”. He promises the same things the social gospel seeks after! A gospel that has now received synodal acceptance within our Church. In
“It is coming”, “it is happening”, “it is here”
“It is coming”, “It is happening”, “It is here” … The digitization of everything, including YOUR identity “is here”. You will be nothing but a code somewhere on a blockchain, linked to everything else related to you, your “money”, your “assets”, your health information etc. The “perfect” system of Antichrist “is here”. You can hear
Religious and Political Leaders Sign New Document For Inter-Confessional Cooperation To “Make The World a Better Place”
The “New Mission of the Church” is being implemented full force ahead. This is indeed a new and strange gospel – it may be argued that such nonsense sets the stage for the manifestation of, and acceptance of the Antichrist, more than any and all of the heresies of the past 2000 years. This is
Orthodox Christians in the kingdom of the Antichrist
By GREGORY BISTRITA·SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2019 ( (Recent historical examples of how ALL Orthodox Christians MUST live at the end of days) Sergius Denisov’s (pictured on the left) son Gregory (pictured on the right) describes their life in the kingdom of the Red Antichrist: “There was already no church to go to because the priests
Fr Seraphim Rose: The Cry of the New Martyrs
Life on earth is given to man in order to acquire the Holy Spirit. To do this one must learn also to distinguish the worship of the true Spirit of God from the counterfeit spirit, the spirit of this world whose prince is satan, the enemy of God. The whole earthly happiness of man consists
Apocalyptic Orthodoxy: the revelations of Fr. Nicetas Lekhan
“Now [apocalytptic] things and events are opening up to us, as it were, in a bright light. How? And this great mystery is revealed to us while reading the Revelation of St. John the Divine. It says: “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them” (Rev. 13:7).
Notice which country is still standing up to God’s Law. No wonder it’s being propagandized as the world’s axis of evil & being blamed for all the horrors of the world. It won’t be long before a new visitation of the Three Holy Angels (who visited Sodom and Gomorrah), in the form of a right
The Evolution of Social Doctrines and the Antichrist
The “evolution” of social agendas in Russia starting with the 17th century, and really getting the big boost after the communist takeover of Russia. This (the first link) is a good article documenting the progress of this cancer of Orthodoxy that in recent years has got to take center stage in the Church itself, culmination
Fr Seraphim Rose on achieving “happiness” on Earth
Some 40 years ago Fr Seraphim Rose was writing: “There was a particular philosopher in China in the late nineteenth century who brought this philosophy to its logical conclusion, as far as it could go. His name is K’ang Yu-Wei (1858-1927). He’s not particularly interesting except as he incarnates this philosophy of the age, this
Blockchain – the enslavement system of Antichrist
Lecture held at St Herman of Alaska Missionary Church Melbourne Australia (22/9 July 2018) Audio lecture Download link: (note: there are some elements in the summary that are not covered in the lecture, as well as some topics in the lecture that are not in the summary. please check out both) Summary The
Psalm 21 foretells the supernatural birth of Christ
Psalm 21 foretells the supernatural birth of Christ, in which the Mother of God was virgin before birth, remained virgin during birth and continued to be a virgin after birth. As the Psalm indicates, God the Father “took” God the Son “out of the womb”. The Psalm does not say that “my mother gave birth
A bizarre legal battle for the legacy of Fr Arsenie Boca
It is indeed bizarre. A fight between a Church that has lost her soul after Crete and the babylonian EU, over the legacy of a saint that prophesied that both tragedies would happen: the falling away of the Church, and the destruction coming from the west through their loyal traitors in Romania (who he called
Peter “The Rock”
Mathews 16:16-18 16. Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17. Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18. And I also say to you that
Thirthy year peace after the big war?
Here is another way one can look at this. I am not saying that what I am about to say is the correct interpretation, I am just saying maybe the correct interpretation has somehow slipped through and nobody noticed (just like nobody noticed the betrayal in the Missions Document in Crete). I am just trying
On interpreting prophecies about the end times.
I have been asked how the prophecies about the coming war (and the 30 year peace after that) actually reconcile with the clear signs we can observe today pointing to an imminent coming of the Antichrist? Various Holy Fathers seem to have different opinions on how close we actually are to the arriving of the
A New World “Christian” Order is Rising
(I wonder what is more dangerous: a NWO that is openly hostile to Christianity? or a NWO which presents a ‘pious and deceptive’ substitute for genuine Christianity? On which soil will the Antichrist be manifested?) “…we desperately need to address the world with a united voice. Without being one Church, could we not act as
Blockchain: It is later than you think
Blockchain is the fulfilment of the prophecy “all labour, every square inch, every grain of wheat will be under the authority of Antichrist” … “Innovators are programming this new digital ledger to record anything of value to humankind — birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, deeds and titles of ownership, rights to intellectual property,
Psalm 106 fortells the miracle of fish catching
Psalm 106 foretells the miracle of fish catching (“his wonders in the deep”) that nearly broke the fishermen’s nets, performed before the eyes of the fishermen themselves (the Apostles); fishermen are those that “do business in great waters”. The same psalm foretells the calming of the storm in the middle of the sea that caught
Concerning the Bolshevik and Nihilist revolutions and the emergence of a “New Christianity”
Concerning how the Bolshevik and Nihilist revolutions purposefully evolved from “open warfare against God” to the presentation of a “new Christianity”: “The entire world is progressing toward unity of doctrine and action. This is our most general profession of faith … While proclaiming that religion is destined to assert its rule over society, we certainly
True Christianity vs Social Gospel
“What we have here is a change of Christian theology into sociology, sociology baptized into a new theology. This new theology as expressed in this heretical article (which was written by a bishop of the Orthodox Church – G.B.) places the realization of the Kingdom of God within our history here on earth, advocating the
On the betrayal of Orthodoxy and Christ (Psalms 81-82)
If you read carefully you will notice striking similarities with today’s alliances and conspiracies of the betrayers with strangers and everyone else seeking to destroy Orthodoxy. Think Ecumenism as well as all the political machinations and conspiracies (involving all those tribes named bellow) devised to deceive. They betray the people for interests foreign to Orthodoxy
A thousand year rule?
Some will say that the “thousand year rule” of Christ shall soon begin. They will argue that satan is free today to do whatever destruction it desires, and argue that once Christ comes he will bind satan for a thousand years and establish his kingdom on Earth. Orthodoxy says Christ has been ruling on Earth
Psalm 138 – Christ Is Risen
Psalm 138 foretold that Christ would descend into Hades, which would “blow up” and lighten like day, and free the righteous from their bonds ! Our Holy Fathers say that because the devil did not understanding who Christ really was (see below), devised a plan to have Him killed so that he (the devil) could
And saith unto them, “Peace be unto you”
John 20: 19 – 21 19. Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 20. And when he had so