Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios: Beware of the Prostitute church!
This note sheds much light on the dark ideas behind and within the Cretan “Mission” document and other such deviational happenings within the Orthodox world. There is a grave danger out there, that is both contained within ecumenism, yet which also extends far beyond it – a danger which could (and has) even manifested itself
An Orthodox Critique of Perennialism (and René Guénon)
A less known and I would say more subtle influence that seems to have afflicted many contemporary Orthodoxy theologians and thinkers in recent times is Perennialism. Perennialism as defined on Wikipedia, is a perspective on modern spirituality that views each of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which
Father Adrian Fageteanu
16th November 1912 – 27th of September 2011 Father Adrian was a professional lawyer, during his young years After becoming a monk, at the end of WW2, Father Adrian enrolled as a university student, studying theology and philosophy as well Father Adrian spent many years in communist prisons, as a real enemy of atheist governments
The Theory of Evolution and Its Sources
Would it be surprising to you, finding out that there is a clear religious proof behind that strange idea of Big-Bang and the billions of years, supposedly passed since the magic ‘event’? The following sources of information are not Orthodox viewpoints, but the historical details are REAL. Very shortly, we will be presenting excerpts from
Interview with Abbot Father Petroniu Tănase
Words of wisdom, offered to a group of Orthodox pilgrims from Melbourne, by Abbot Father Petroniu Tanase from the Romanian Skete Prodromu (the Forerunner), at the Holy Mount Athos (on 23rd May 2005) The Romanian skete Prodromu (“The Forerunner”) from the Holy Mount Athos is certainly a very welcoming place. One of the greatest things
A Contemporary Orthodox World View
source (this is work in progress – i may update this post over the next period) My dear friends, i am going to try to present what i would call “the big picture” (at least the way i see it), my Orthodox Worldview, trying to put some context around the events that have been
“The Eurasian Project for the Development of Post-Soviet Russia in the Context of the Russian Religious-Philosophical Tradition”
Archpriest George Mitrofanov, Professor of St. Petersburg Theological Academy Already in the first response of Russian religious philosophers to emergence of the Eurasian collections was marked with tempting “novelty” ideology of Eurasianism, clearly contrasted with its entire previous national and Orthodox-oriented trunk stream of Russian religious and philosophical thought and at the same time in
Blessed Constantin Oprisan, Martyr of Jilava, Romania (1921 – 26th of July 1959)
Father George Calciu: “He did not talk much, but every word coming from his mouth was a holy word – only about Christ, only about love, only about forgiveness. He was praying unceasingly…” Elder Dumitru Bordeianu : “There was nobody more tortured like Constantin! He was arrested on 15th of May 1948 and condemned for 25
Blessed Confessor of Christ, Father Ilie Lacatusu (1909 – 22 July 1983)
On 19th of July 1952, Father Ilie Lacatusu [Eellee Lakatoosho] was arrested and sent to a concentration camp, where the political prisoners (mainly Orthodox and followers of the Legion of the Archangel Michael) were forced to build a channel between Danube River and the Black Sea. He was part of the large priests’ brigade. After
Radu Gyr
2/03/1905 – 29/04/1975 Radu Gyr (Demetrescu) was an extraordinary man, with a heart as large as the sky with its beauties! He spent many years in communist extermination camps, suffering extreme punishments. In spite of these tortures, Radu Gyr wrote very daring pieces of literature, while suffering of diverse illnesses and depravations in prison, and
“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven”
“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven” Every Sunday during the Beatitudes part of the Divine Liturgy, we hear this being chanted: “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven” (Matt 5:3). The same paragraph in Luke 6:20 simply says “Blessed are the poor”
In Memory of our Blessed Metropolitan Paul Saliba
This photograph is his Eminence Metropolitan Paul (Saliba). He passed away to the Lord about three days ago. Aged about 78. He was the bishop for Australia & most of the Southern Hemisphere Churches under Antioch. Forgive me for not being too precise. No doubt details will be in a booklet which the Antiochian Archdiocese
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”
There may be something rather intriguing in this Epistle of Holy Apostle Paul to the Galatians which starts off with what may look a very clear passage that may seem to be very straightforward and leaving little room for interpretation: 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be
Fr Seraphim Rose: Seeking the realization of Christian “ideals” in this world is idolatry; it is of the Antichrist
A Letter to Thomas Merton, 1962 By Eugene [Fr. Seraphim] Rose (excerpts in video format and some very important additional information at the end of the article – please watch) I am a young American convert to Russian Orthodoxy—not the vague “liberal” spirituality of too many modern Russian “religious thinkers,” but the full ascetic and
Appeal of Elder Raphail of Mount Athos to Patriarch Kirill and the Russian Orthodox Church
Elder Raphail Berestrov is one of the few spiritual giants left in the world. He is 85 years old. He is a schemamonk who spent many years in the monastery of Valaam, and currently living as a hesychast on Mount Athos. He has a very important message for all Orthodox Christians to hear. (note: we
One of the most troubling projects, one that will fundamentally change the world, one about which nobody is telling you anything in the media, a project in which billions upon billions (and some sources are even saying trillions) of dollars are being invested as we speak, is being hastily developed away from public eye and
Pope Paul VI in New York 1965
by Eugene Rose [Fr. Seraphim] from The Orthodox Word issue #5, September 1965 (in video format at the end of article) Perhaps no other event in recent history has been so clear a “sign of the times” as the visit to New York of Pope Paul VI, on Oct. 4 of this year, and his
Christianity and Socialism
By the New Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky) [+1928] Men verily swear by the greater (Heb. 6:16). This truth remains ever and everywhere immutable. Any single truth or any series of truths always comprise what is “greater” for man, and this “greater” is man’s authority; he refers to it, he “swears” by it. Yet the same truths
St. Meletios the Confessor on the Tollhouses
Newly discovered excerpts unavailable at the time of publishing The Departure of the Soul: St. Meletios the Confessor of Mount Galesion (+1286) – (commemorated on January 19th) Called by God at a young age, St. Meletios abandoned his homeland and his beloved family and set out as a pilgrim for the Holy Land. Becoming a
Archimandrite Constantine Zaitsev: On the “social gospel” of ecumenism
Concerning the author of the text below, Fr. Seraphim Rose stated: “Archimandrite Constantine Zaitsev of Jordanville was a brilliant thinker who, being fully within the tradition of the Church, was able to see beyond the externals and into the heart of the Orthodox faith, wherein lies its mystical, unseen essence and its living apostolic power.”
St Nicholas Velimiriovic: “And now you decide: do you want to be with the dark and putrid Europe or with Christ”?
(Excerpts from St Justin Popovic (+1979), “The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism”, published at Hilandar Monastery, Holy Mount Athos, in 1975) St Nicholas Velimiriovic (+1956) says: “On what side do you want to be, with the darkened and rotten Europe or with Christ?” If the history of the last three centuries (the 18th, the 19th and
Children of an Age of Martyrs. Monk Herman (Podmoshenskii). Ιn Memoriam (June 30, 2014)
Monk Herman (Podmoshenskii), Platina, California, Sep 4, 2012 (interview by Deacon Andrei Psarev) Source: ROCOR studies website I first learned of Father Herman in Moscow in the year 1989 or 1990. I was friends with Roman Vershilo, now the editor of the web portal antimodernism.ru, and at his place I first saw the first issue of
An Edifying Reply To One Of The Fruitless Three Stooges, Who Recently Took Upon Themselves To Judge And Condemn The 60-Year Productive Work Of The St Herman Of Alaska Monastery In Platina
Consequently attacking its Australian outreach as well. Who the heck are you mr Curley. Or is it the Jewish Larry or Moe of the three stooges fame? Did you know any of these people from Platina you so brazenly judge. Did you live, walk, talk, work or pray with any of the Platina Fathers? Or
The “New Social Contract”
With the “unexpected” ascension of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States of America, it may be time to continue our line of thought on the Heresy of Social Gospel. The mainstream media and the press would like us to believe that Mr Trump phenomena was the result of a random act of
St. Ignatius Brianchaninov: “Do not read books on Christianity that were written by heretics”
“Keep your mind and heart from false teaching. Do not even speak about Christianity with people who have been infected by false thoughts; do not read books on Christianity that were written by heretics.” “He who reads the books of a heretic immediately communes with an evil, dark spirit of falsehood. This should not seem