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Blessed Constantin Oprisan, Martyr of Jilava, Romania (1921 – 26th of July 1959)

Father George Calciu: “He did not talk much, but every word coming from his mouth was a holy word – only about Christ, only about love, only about forgiveness. He was praying unceasingly…”

Elder Dumitru Bordeianu : “There was nobody more tortured like Constantin! He was arrested on 15th of May 1948 and condemned for 25 years. He was a man of an extraordinary complexity and intelligence, being a master of many spheres, from music and art, to mathematics and philosophy. Constantin was a very affectionate man, living everything to the maximum. He was subjected to the greatest torture, being also beaten for every other young legionnaire, resisting with such heroism, unequaled… He was a Saint while still living… we were all felling the presence of the Holy Spirit in the cell.”

When there were conflicts among us, he was praying and his praying was working. We knew that he was praying, silently, and his face was completely changed. Holy Martyr Constantin moved to Heavens at 37 years of age, after a long suffering, without any complaint but giving support to everybody else!

Blessed Constantin, Holy Confessor and Martyr of Christ, pray to God for us!

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