Disclaimer: In some of our articles, especially under the Modern Issues section, we present readers with challenging issues to examine, reflect upon and research. The material is neither supported nor rejected by us, and no one is responsible for its content, other than the original source. Therefore readers are requested not to make any complaints, but to take time to reflect on the material from an Orthodox perspective.

Category Archives: Contemporary Issues

God as a “set of moral values”?

As we have been suspecting all along, the MP have reduced God to a “set of moral values and ideals”. Consequently they can now boldly claim that “the Soviet Union was based on a Christian moral paradigm”. No wonder the mission of the church had to be perverted to declare social causes as the primary

Appeal to the Australian Parliament to allow us to have our voices heard

(this appeal has been sent to the Australian Parliament and MP Michael Sukkar on Sunday May 24th 2020) Dear Sir/Madam, The mainstream media continues to try to label us conspiracy theorist and devise plans to do so, but they continually avoid the real questions raised by us and some other orthodox people. Like the agenda


Notice which country is still standing up to God’s Law. No wonder it’s being propagandized as the world’s axis of evil & being blamed for all the horrors of the world. It won’t be long before a new visitation of the Three Holy Angels (who visited Sodom and Gomorrah), in the form of a right

The Evolution of Social Doctrines and the Antichrist

The “evolution” of social agendas in Russia starting with the 17th century, and really getting the big boost after the communist takeover of Russia. This (the first link) is a good article documenting the progress of this cancer of Orthodoxy that in recent years has got to take center stage in the Church itself, culmination

Fr Seraphim Rose on achieving “happiness” on Earth

Some 40 years ago Fr Seraphim Rose was writing: “There was a particular philosopher in China in the late nineteenth century who brought this philosophy to its logical conclusion, as far as it could go. His name is K’ang Yu-Wei (1858-1927). He’s not particularly interesting except as he incarnates this philosophy of the age, this

A bizarre legal battle for the legacy of Fr Arsenie Boca

It is indeed bizarre. A fight between a Church that has lost her soul after Crete and the babylonian EU, over the legacy of a saint that prophesied that both tragedies would happen: the falling away of the Church, and the destruction coming from the west through their loyal traitors in Romania (who he called

Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios: Beware of the Prostitute church!

This note sheds much light on the dark ideas behind and within the Cretan “Mission” document and other such deviational happenings within the Orthodox world. There is a grave danger out there, that is both contained within ecumenism, yet which also extends far beyond it – a danger which could (and has) even manifested itself

An Orthodox Critique of Perennialism (and René Guénon)

A less known and I would say more subtle influence that seems to have afflicted many contemporary Orthodoxy theologians and thinkers in recent times is Perennialism. Perennialism as defined on Wikipedia, is a perspective on modern spirituality that views each of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which

A Contemporary Orthodox World View

source (this is work in progress – i may update this post over the next period)   My dear friends, i am going to try to present what i would call “the big picture” (at least the way i see it), my Orthodox Worldview, trying to put some context around the events that have been

“The Eurasian Project for the Development of Post-Soviet Russia in the Context of the Russian Religious-Philosophical Tradition”

Archpriest George Mitrofanov, Professor of St. Petersburg Theological Academy Already in the first response of Russian religious philosophers to emergence of the Eurasian collections was marked with tempting “novelty” ideology of Eurasianism, clearly contrasted with its entire previous national and Orthodox-oriented trunk stream of Russian religious and philosophical thought and at the same time in

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven”

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven” Every Sunday during the Beatitudes part of the Divine Liturgy, we hear this being chanted: “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven” (Matt 5:3). The same paragraph in Luke 6:20 simply says “Blessed are the poor”

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”

There may be something rather intriguing in this Epistle of Holy Apostle Paul to the Galatians which starts off with what may look a very clear passage that may seem to be very straightforward and leaving little room for interpretation: 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be

Fr Seraphim Rose: Seeking the realization of Christian “ideals” in this world is idolatry; it is of the Antichrist

A Letter to Thomas Merton, 1962 By Eugene [Fr. Seraphim] Rose (excerpts in video format and some very important additional information at the end of the article – please watch) I am a young American convert to Russian Orthodoxy—not the vague “liberal” spirituality of too many modern Russian “religious thinkers,” but the full ascetic and

Appeal of Elder Raphail of Mount Athos to Patriarch Kirill and the Russian Orthodox Church

Elder Raphail Berestrov is one of the few spiritual giants left in the world. He is 85 years old. He is a schemamonk who spent many years in the monastery of Valaam, and currently living as a hesychast on Mount Athos. He has a very important message for all Orthodox Christians to hear. (note: we


One of the most troubling projects, one that will fundamentally change the world, one about which nobody is telling you anything in the media, a project in which billions upon billions (and some sources are even saying trillions) of dollars are being invested as we speak, is being hastily developed away from public eye and

Pope Paul VI in New York 1965

by Eugene Rose [Fr. Seraphim] from The Orthodox Word issue #5, September 1965 (in video format at the end of article) Perhaps no other event in recent history has been so clear a “sign of the times” as the visit to New York of Pope Paul VI, on Oct. 4 of this year, and his

Christianity and Socialism

By the New Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky) [+1928] Men verily swear by the greater (Heb. 6:16). This truth remains ever and everywhere immutable. Any single truth or any series of truths always comprise what is “greater” for man, and this “greater” is man’s authority; he refers to it, he “swears” by it. Yet the same truths

Archimandrite Constantine Zaitsev: On the “social gospel” of ecumenism

Concerning the author of the text below, Fr. Seraphim Rose stated: “Archimandrite Constantine Zaitsev of Jordanville was a brilliant thinker who, being fully within the tradition of the Church, was able to see beyond the externals and into the heart of the Orthodox faith, wherein lies its mystical, unseen essence and its living apostolic power.”

St Nicholas Velimiriovic: “And now you decide: do you want to be with the dark and putrid Europe or with Christ”?

(Excerpts from St Justin Popovic (+1979), “The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism”, published at Hilandar Monastery, Holy Mount Athos, in 1975) St Nicholas Velimiriovic (+1956) says: “On what side do you want to be, with the darkened and rotten Europe or with Christ?” If the history of the last three centuries (the 18th, the 19th and

An Edifying Reply To One Of The Fruitless Three Stooges, Who Recently Took Upon Themselves To Judge And Condemn The 60-Year Productive Work Of The St Herman Of Alaska Monastery In Platina

Consequently attacking its Australian outreach as well. Who the heck are you mr Curley. Or is it the Jewish Larry or Moe of the three stooges fame? Did you know any of these people from Platina you so brazenly judge. Did you live, walk, talk, work or pray with any of the Platina Fathers? Or

The “New Social Contract”

With the “unexpected” ascension of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States of America, it may be time to continue our line of thought on the Heresy of Social Gospel. The mainstream media and the press would like us to believe that Mr Trump phenomena was the result of a random act of

Orthodoxy reduced to Common Sense?

I am witnessing something happening in social media i cannot really say i am a big fan of. Let me explain, and it has to do with my own soul-searching as well. Examples: Patriach X says something against gay marriage, everyone cheers, tons of likes! But Catholics say the same thing, and Islamists share the

The Secret of the Metropolitan Who Died at the Feet of the Pope

Blessed Pelagia of Ryazan prophesied (to Metropolitan Nikodim): “You will die like a dog at the feet of your pope!” This actually happened! Bishop Longin of the Ukraine recently commented on this “(he) died like a dog at the feet of the Pope. It was foretold for him not to go there, and that he

First fruits of the “Missions” document: a deadly heresy emerges…

On September 2nd and 3rd of 2016 a Conference was held in Thessaloniki, Greece. It was entitled “ Integral Ecology as the new road to reconciliation” and was held “under the High Patronage of His Holiness the Pope Francis, His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the Archbishop of Canterbury…” On the official program

The significance of the Altar Doors and Iconostasis in the Othodox Church

Ever noticed the altar doors being left open in your Orthodox Church for the whole liturgical service? Do you remember the times when the doors used to only be opened at certain times during the liturgy? Have you noticed this change and is this change important? The answer may surprise you! If you are familiar