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Concerning the Bolshevik and Nihilist revolutions and the emergence of a “New Christianity”

Concerning how the Bolshevik and Nihilist revolutions purposefully evolved from “open warfare against God” to the presentation of a “new Christianity”:

“The entire world is progressing toward unity of doctrine and action. This is our most general profession of faith … While proclaiming that religion is destined to assert its rule over society, we certainly are far from holding that any of the religious institutions of the past should be re-established, as we are from claiming to lead society back to the old state of war or slavery. We proclaim a new moral and political state. This is just as thoroughly a new religious state: for to us religion, politics, and morals are merely different names for the same fact…. The religion of the future is called upon to take its place in the political order; but to be exact, when considered in its totality, the political institution of the future must be a religious institution.” – The Doctrine of Saint-Simon (19th century)

Of course, such an idea is profoundly anti-Orthodox and anti-Christian. The root of such a utopian blasphemy was the “father of lies” who instituted revolutionary movements of violence and murder in order to pave the way for this apostatic “new world religious order”. Thus, Satan inspired the Bolshevik revolution – not to “destroy all religion” but to create a “new religion, a new ‘christianity'”. This aim, ever present in the mind of Satan, was however veiled from the revolutionaries who served him. Regarding this, Fr. Seraphim stated, “The people who make the revolutions ordinarily do not see this — what the thing is beyond. But they all feel that in doing this they are destroying the whole weight of civilization, of religion, of tradition”; while he also recognized the exception to this blindness for, indeed, “the more profound revolutionaries saw that the revolution must become religious in the end. Atheism was only a transition in order to get rid of previous religious views.”

Regarding the Bolshevik and Nihilist revolutions, Fr. Seraphim Rose foresaw a “new religion” in the form of a “pseudo-Christianity” arising. He viewed the violence of the Bolshevik revolution as something needed to “destroy the old order” and thus to “clear the way for the building of the ‘new'”. This new religious order would be “all bound up with the idea of anarchy, the idea of overcoming nihilism”; it would mark “the end of the revolution, which a few very astute people have seen into and have spoken about.”

Yet what was to be expected after the destruction of the “old Orthodox Order” – what lies beyond nihilism?

Concerning this Fr. Seraphim wrote: “Violence and negation are, to be sure, a preliminary work; but this work is only part of a much larger plan whose end promises to be, not something better, but something incomparably worse than the age of Nihilism. If in our own times there are signs that the era of violence and negation is passing, this is by no means because Nihilism is being ‘overcome’ or ‘outgrown,’ but because its work is all but completed and its usefulness is at an end. The Revolution, perhaps, begins to move out of its malevolent phase and into a more “benevolent” one – not because it has changed its will or its direction, but because it is nearing the attainment of the ultimate goal which it has never ceased to pursue; fat with its success, it can prepare to relax in the enjoyment of this goal. The last hope of modern man is in fact but another of his illusions; the hope for a new age “beyond Nihilism” is itself an expression of the last item in the program of the Revolution. It is by no means Marxism alone that promotes this program.”

But what was/is the goal that Bolshevism/nihilism has ever pursued?

Fr. Seraphim reveals that “…out of all this destruction which the revolutionaries themselves do not know the meaning of” will be born “the profoundest anti-Christianity (which is), of course, the pseudo-Christianity which (was) the goal of the Revolution.”

The Zionists, meanwhile have likewise been working for the same evil “master” as the revolutionaries for (according to their Protocols) they are “re-educating youth in new traditional religions”, while stating “we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches…”

In the end, Fr. Seraphim relates, “the world will be ‘christian’, because it’s Antichrist who gives them a new religion, which is not something foreign to Christianity. It will not be some kind of paganism. It will be something which everyone will accept as Christianity, but will be anti-christian. A substitute for Christianity which denies the very essence of Christianity… It is not by means of persecution as it was in the beginning, but by means of taking Christianity and changing it so that it will no longer be Christian.”

It should also be noted that the mid-later revolutionaries may, according to Fr. Seraphim “accept the social, political, and economic transformations wrought by Marxism, while deprecating its violent means and its extremist ideology”. For such individuals, the anti-revolutionary or anti-communist criticism of “Marxism (does not go) beyond the proposal of better means to an end that is equally ‘revolutionary”! It seems that for people such as these, it is very possible to speak against communism (i.e. the violence and murder it offered) but to carry on its revolutionary social and religious agenda!

In closing, it may be asked: Did the revolutionary process of “changing Christianity” come to an abrupt halt with the fall of communism? Or are we simply witnessing the next (and more deceptive) phase of this revolutionary process?

Do we see a “triumph of Holy Orthodoxy”? or do we see new “moral, political, and religious (perhaps world-wide or multi-polar) state(s) or alliances” arising? Or perhaps we see both?

Perhaps we see the “triumph of Orthodoxy” in the hearts and lives of the Faithful remnant? while everywhere else we see apostasy, lies and the growing presentation of a new “global Christianity” (rooted especially in the acceptance of the supposed ecclesial status of “the others”, as well as in the presentation of a “common social mission” to build the idolatrous “Kingdom of Man” – the kingdom of the Antichrist!)?


Concerning how the Bolshevik and Nihilist revolutions purposefully evolved from "open warfare against God" to the…

Posted by Gregory Bistrita on Thursday, 17 May 2018


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