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Category Archives: Apostate World

The “New Orthodox Christianity”

(or the hijack of true Orthodoxy) The recent Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson’s public stance on homosexuality is being cleverly exploited by the mass media in a clear attempt to redefine what Orthodox Christianity really is. The mainstream media has truly become the ultimate tool at the hand of the coming antichrist used to shape the

The American Dream and St. Nilus the Myrrhstreamer

If there ever was one society more materialistic, concerned only about earthly comforts, devoid of any spiritual life and farther from the Truth of Orthodoxy than anything, it is the American society – and the entire western society in general which has fully adopted her way of life. According to “The Onion”, in a new

Benjamin Netanyahu Ordered to Hasten Jewish Messiah’s Coming

Video from 1990 – posted with no comment …

Hundreds of Iowa Pastors Lay Hands On Born-Again Christian Presidential Hopefuls Ted Cruz and Rand Paul

The charismatic revival movement is gaining huge traction with the launch of the “America Renewal Project”. Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruise were “blessed” by hundreds of Iowa pastors in an effort to help them in their fight to capture back the country. The “spiritual awakening” is transforming into a general mobilization effort, creating a

Mark of the beast, collective sin and the disavowal of Christ

Every Christian today witnesses how homosexuality and abortion, amongst other things, are being legislated into every national parliament, including in their own country, but can hardly understand how this is going to affect them directly, and think that if they do not agree with it is all going to be OK for their salvation. There

Isaiah 9:10 Judgement – The 9 Harbingers

America – a nation under judgement ! May sound incredible but we urge you to see the evidence presented in this documentary … Isaiah 9:10 Judgement – Part 1 Isaiah 9:10 Judgement – Part 2

“The Third Antichrist”

This continues our previous article: The Communist States Of America The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights

The Communist States of America

The extent of spying done on American citizens by their own government, all in the name of “fighting terror”, far exceeds any previous attempt by any communist regime. What started in Russia as part of Communism is now being fully implemented in America, thus fulfilling the Orthodox prophecy of Elder Ignatius. Fr Seraphim Roses showed

A “New World Pope” for a “New World Order”

http://www.time.com/time/covers/asia/0,16641,20130325,00.html How would a “New Age”, the “Age of the Holy Spirit”, a “New World Order” ever make any sense without a “New World Pope”? How would a more equitable world, a world that is a level playing field for everybody be possible without a “New World Pope”? The mainstream media is hard at work

Let the “miracles” begin (continued) … The Pentecost Movement

As we expected, the story of Pope Francis publicly exorcising a man is not going away, but instead is being used to deceive even more, and calls for the Pope to allow all the priests of the Catholic Church to perform exorcism are now being voiced. A new report now claims that the man, who

Let the “miracles” begin – Pope Francis performs exorcism …

Soon after the new pope is enthroned, the “miracles” are starting to appear as expected … do not be deceived … More from infowars.com … A bizarre video has emerged of Pope Francis appearing to perform an exorcism on a man in St Peter’s Square. The footage was shot following Pentecostal mass on Sunday 19th

The Plan: The Arrival Of The “Divine Warrior”

The calls for a “Divine Warrior” are growing louder. The “solution” is being prepared and the “great awakening” is being heralded everywhere. There is hardly a website in the western world that recognize the fact that the humanity is on the edge of abyss, without falling into the trap of talking about how everyone is

Modern ideologies – a departure from God

It seems that we all forget about the way everything started to go on this path of destruction… There is a short list of events which must be look at as main points in regards to the present communist takeover of this world; it is to be noted that the fall of man from God’s

Which God is he refering to?

President Obama tells the biggest provider of abortions in the US: “God bless you“? We wonder which god he refers to? And all is done in the name of women’s health and well-being. This is how far the apostasy coming form the west has reached – a society void of any Christianity, in which the

The West As A Complete Anti-Christian Culture

The West has drifted so far away from Christianity it can not longer recognize it. The long process of apostasy in the West that started with the 1054 schism from Orthodoxy is rapidly reaching a climax. Nowadays in the West almost any idea goes as Christian, but this wrong understanding is the result of so

Attitudes Magazine (Monastery Petru Voda) – Elpidios Vagianakis Father prophecy about the new pope, the antichrist and evil power chip

The Time of Antichrist. “You young ones, you will see” Do not grieve, Grandpa, you will not see the Antichrist. You’ll only see the false prophet and you’ll fight him. But you, my young, you, my little man, you shall see the Antichrist. Nowadays this will happen. I will not get to see him. Only

Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion?

Instead of having our Orthodox Bishops warning us about what is really happening in the world we get non Orthodox sites to warn us about the impending danger? Unfortunately they are there to betray. Here is what we find on the “The American Dream” website: Quotes: During that same ecumenical meeting, Pope Francis also made

The Antichrist and “Shock And Awe”

Fr Seraphim Rose once said “Antichrist will be a master of illusion, of ‘shock and awe’, taking away people’s freedom, but making them think that they have been freed”. Does this not describe precisely what we see in the world today? Look at what is happening in the west. How true these words sound nowadays

Europe is dying, Christ is alive. Choose life, to be alive forever.

Where is the greatest darkness? Where the most powerful light shines and then fades away. There is the greatest darkness. In the market where hundreds of lights shine and where nightlight competes with the daylight, when all the lights go out, then, that market is darker than the gypsies’ unlit tents. Oh, my brothers in

How to prepare …

Dear ones in Christ, As you may have noticed, and many of you may be actively following what is happening in the world, the situation has again started to deteriorate at an alarming pace, possibly heading towards “the moment” we have been warning about on this site. As a result we feel we need to

The Devil in “The Bible” !

A very sister scenario which we briefly mentioned in our Mystery Of Iniquity section starts to become more and more of a possibility … let the reader understand ! Why does the devil in ‘The Bible’ look exactly like President Obama? And of course Glenn Beck has subscribed to the idea. Please watch CNN’s report

“The Bible” – An Invitation to ‘Change the World’ !

The demolition of True Christianity seems to be relentless. The latest in the “series” is “The Bible”. Astonishing special effects, an 18 years old Joseph, a Mary as far as possible form Her true Orthodox image, a Jesus who’s mission is to “change the world” – it covers everything – just upside down. You can

Welcome to the new, universal church of all religions !

Let those that read understand ! The final capitulation of the catholic church is here ! Today, more than ever, the Orthodox Christians have to know what they stand for ! The persecution of true Christianity is near ! We will be continuing this conversation in the Apostate West section so please make sure you

The last pope is here!

He has been chosen, we just don’t know who he is yet, but there was early indication of who he might be by reports of anti-mafia police raids to his offices 🙂 Promising start ! Anti-mafia police raid offices in diocese of frontrunner Update: it is the Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio – the son

What started in Russia will end in America !

This is an Orthodox Prophecy! Isn’t this ever more obvious with each passing day ? So let us examine, how did it start what started in Russia? Quote: most became victims when their government classified them as enemies of the state ! An unbelievable story – please read it ! Ever wondered what is really