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For the Love of Truth


“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”

The love of many shall grow cold … much has been written about this passage, but what is its deeper meaning? What kind of love is the Evangelist talking about? Because it is not clearly specified. For Christ Himself said that whomever loveth his mother or father or brethren more than Him is not worthy of Him. Can it be that this passage, that clearly refers to the end of times, be more about the love for our brethren, or our own families, our communities … or does it refer more to the Love for Truth?

After all, about the three Magi we don’t know much. We don’t know how much they loved their families, how much their loved their brethren or relatives, or neighbors, or enemies, but we do know that it was the Love for Truth that led them to find the Born Christ.

This Nativity, let us not forget what we are indeed celebrating. For the love for Truth has indeed waxed cold … endure in striving to search for the Truth onto the end and ye shall be saved !

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