Orthodox Survival Course has been translated and published in Romanian
Fr Seraphim’s and Herman’s Orthodox Survival Course in Romanian has been released online with the great efforts of Ninel Ganea and some other people who have found it important enough to not let such masterpiece end up buried in history by the ignorance of many.
Ninel Ganea, who has a philosophical background, rather than theological, found this piece of ennobling literature to be more valuable than all the philosophies of the world, maybe because the course really helps a sincere soul in search of the Truth penetrate the true essence of things to the point where it gets to discover something that tramples all philosophical wisdom of man under the foot of Orthodox Theology – the wisdom of God revealed to man?
Is it not really telling, concerning the state of Orthodoxy today, that out of all the theologians that Romania has, none of them found it appropriate to publish such treasure, but a student of philosophy, who being unsatisfied with the answers the world has to offer, made the effort to continue his search for the higher wisdom?
May God bless him and his benefactors for their efforts.
The course has been published on his website and can be downloaded following the link below. There is also going to be a printed version in limited edition of 1250 copies, distributed freely to monasteries, churches and other centers of Orthodoxy.
The printed version will also feature covers that are not included in the downloadable format.