309. April 14/27, 1982 Pascha Monday
Dear Brother in Christ, George,
Enclosed is the first copy of “The Light of Orthodoxy” which you sent us. I looked through it and have pointed out in pencil in the text two or three places which I thought might cause you some trouble. However, I simply have no time (and Father Herman has less) to really “censor” the whole text, let alone all the issues you will be putting out.
We really can’t think of anyone who might have the time and opportunity to serve as your advisor in this project. However, even such an advisor will be no guarantee that you won’t get into trouble by publishing something unfitting. The recent publications scandal to which you refer was caused not by failure to consult with others (his advisors apparently share his errors), but by the extremely arrogant and pompous tone with which he tried to instruct others, even those who are much more rooted in Orthodoxy than he. In glancing through your publication I did not notice such a tone, and I doubt that you would cause much controversy, save perhaps in the points I have noted in the text.
In general I would have only one word of advice for you: be very humble in your confession of Orthodoxy, and avoid “dogmatizing” on points that might be controversial among Orthodox Christians.
May God be your help in your efforts.
With love in Christ,
Unworthy Hieromonk Seraphim