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267. Tuesday St. Nicholas Day May 9/22, 1979

Dear Brother [Fr. Herman],

Christ is Risen!

Glory be to God that you arrived on Athos—may God grant that your stay be fruitful, both for now and the future.

We are fine. We are all at Wildwood after serving Liturgy for St. Nicholas. Today is cold and foggy, after a week or two of hot weather. OW is just over half done. The brothers are fine, as long as I watch over them. Br. David wants to stay, but has to face the temptation of his parents’ visit yet. Guma is usually my consolation, but sometimes difficult. Sergei is all right as long as I don’t expect too much for him—but he’s all moods.

The two little goats are very lovable. The goat’s milk is very good—just like cow’s milk, but richer. The sisters are fine. Svir has been staying with them for a week and is very happy.

Fr. Alexey is fine and very calm. There are already problems—Liuba wants more money for her house, and now it looks like she won’t give it. They were to have services on Sunday at the rented hall again.

We are working well. I get time for writing only on Sundays—if this were a permanent situation I wouldn’t get much done. The two of us can accomplish much, but separately not much, I think.

Give thanks to God for everything, and take what you can of value from the old world. May God return you safely. We miss you!

With love in Christ,
Unworthy Hieromonk Seraphim

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