251. Jan. 22/Feb. 4, 1978 Apostle Timothy
Dear Father Hilarion,
Christ is in our midst!
Many thanks for your kind letters and Xeroxes of recent weeks. I think we never sent you a list of things we intend to publish, so here is a list of those we can think of now:
Life and Epistles of Bishop Damascene of Glukhov, new martyr.
Life of St. Andrew Fool for Christ.
Life of St. Paphnutius of Borovsk.
Life of St. Tikhon of Kaluga.
Bishop Simon of China (1933).
Bishop Iona of Manchuria (1925).
Letters of Archbishop Theophan of Poltava and perhaps Episdes also.
Life of Sts. Boris and Gleb.
A series on Elders of Optina, one by one. Zosima is being translated.
Life of St. Photios of Constantinople.
Life of St. Theodore the Studite.
Life of St. Niphon of Cyprus.
Life of St. Brigit of Ireland.
Life of St. Columba of Ireland.
Life of St. John the Baptist.
Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
Glinsk Monastery Ascetics
How are you with the life of St. Maximus the Confessor? Is it coming out soon?
The article on angels in the new Orthodox Life—isn’t it translated straight from Fr. Michael Pomazansky’s Dogmatic Theology? That should be noted; but in any case we’re working on the whole book and hope to have it out this year. We’ve also done Abba Dorotheus, but now hear that the Cistercians have published it, so will have to see what their translation looks like. Are there any special translation projects at the monastery now? Is anyone working on Vladika Averky’s commentaries? on Father Constantine’s Pastoral Theology?
Would you be able to come to visit us when you go to Alberta? We would love to see you.
Please pray for us. May Christ our God strengthen you in your labors and grant you courage and good-hearted struggle!
With love in Christ,
Unworthy Priest-monk Seraphim