196. Oct. 24/Nov. 6,1975. Joy of All Who Sorrow
Dear Christopher [Amerling],
Rejoice in our Lord Jesus Christ!
We will be expecting you as per your letter on Nov. 14 n.s. at the Greyhound depot in Redding at 5 p.m. (or whatever time you said—I don’t have your letter right here). So far our weather is all right, but there may be muddy or snowy weather by then; but we will get out anyway, although we may have to walk partway back up.
We are getting our firewood and other work done before real winter sets in, with mounds of work to do in the printshop this winter. So far God is merciful to us, and despite all trials and temptations we are cheerful and ready for more struggles according to our feeble strength.
Pray for us.
With love in Christ,
Seraphim, monk