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018. 23 Sept/ 6 Oct, 1964

Dear Gleb,

Wait until you come this weekend before writing VI. Vitaly. He sent us an outrageous bill and it must be corrected. I forget what else you were supposed to do, but it can wait until Saturday.

You won’t recognize the printing room. I’ve gotten all equipment and we can begin printing _______ ! I have the cabinet almost finished and it is successful. I have samples of several kinds of papers — but it’s going to cost money.

You are right about a picture on the cover. But I think there has to be a “The” in the title for printing.

I’ve got another small helper for printing, I think.

Let me know when you arrive. If I don’t hear from you I’ll be at the Greyhound Depot at 7:45.

Pray for me.

Your brother in Christ,

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