016. 20 July 1964. Holy Prophet Elijah
Dear Brother in Christ, Gleb,
I was waiting for some interesting news before writing you, but there hasn’t been any interesting news, so I’ll write anyway. Business has been very slow, except for a large sale to Mr. Ivanovsky (for which I haven’t received the money yet).
The Philokalia arrived, but no one has bought yet. Vladimir was in yesterday. I gather that he has no particular interest in a Brotherhood. Which means, I suppose, that we two “brothers” should work all the harder.
You should have received your Paissy Velichkovsky by now.
Olyas Kiot will soon be finished and will look quite nice, I think. I can begin your Kiot next if you’ll bring up the icon next weekend.
From Jordanville you should order the following:
10 each of all icons 8 x10 1/2” (3rd size).
10 Prayer Book, Russian script, paperback.
10 Selected Prayers to the Mother of God.
5 Hymns from all — night Vigil and Liturgy
5 Slobodskys Brief collected articles
10 St. Theophan the Recluse — What is the Spiritual Life.
5 Talberg, ? .
10 Sologub, Fr. John of Kronstadt.
5 — 10 Fr. John of Kronstadt, Thought on Divine Services.
5 Living Wheel from the Spiritual Field of Fr. John of Kronstadt.
5 Chuzhoo, Fr. John of Kronstadt.
10 Fr. John of Kronstadt, vol. I. My Life in Christ.
20 Sokoloff, Manual of Orthodox Services.
I think I will run away from everything and go to the woods tomorrow (just for the day).
The shoemaker came yesterday and delivered your shoes (for which you owe $4.75).
These two feast days have been very splendid, but I suppose they were even more so in Monterey.
I’m afraid I haven’t had time to make out the list of English books, but I’ll try to get around to it soon.
As you see, nothing is new. I presume you will be here next Saturday. We should think about another ad for Russian Life.
If the tone of this letter sounds a little weary, it’s because I’m tired, but otherwise I am in good spirits and hope you are the same. My regards to your mother and Ija.
Your brother in Christ,