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010. Jan. 15/28, 1964. St. Paul of Thebes

Dear Brother in Christ, Gleb,

The passage to which I turned in the Gospel this morning was St. Luke XI “Our Father”, and then: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Can anything be clearer?

I paid the first months rent this morning, so now it is too late to back out. Now it is time to get to work. About painting I am uncertain. Only a fairly small area really needs it, but it would be nice to change the color (which is green) — but that would mean a lot of work (and paint). The store is about 15 x 30, and about 13 feet high. It has a balcony, which will be our shipping department, and in future it can serve as a place for our printing press(!). You will like it very much, I’m sure.

I talked to Alyosha Kennedy, who is in charge of the Kiosk at the Sobor, to make sure he didn’t regard us as competition. He thought the idea was wonderful. Everyone who hears about it is enthusiastic.

Now all that is needed is to make Jordanville start sending books and icons, and to raise $300, which I don’t think will be so difficult, now that everyone can see we’re in earnest. We’ll see you soon,

In Christ,

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