The Heretical Pan-Orthodox Synod of 2016
“Brothers at last”, it was proclaimed by Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill, after recently signing the Havana declaration.
This marks the moment when it has become all clear. Patriarch Kirill has shown us what will be widely adopted at the coming “Holy” Pan-Orthodox Synod taking place between 19th and 27th of June 2016 – a few short months away. Heresy shall be consacrated and the hundred years period (that started with the Bolshevik revolution) given for repentance comes to a conclussion.
The unity (with heretics, without repentance) in face of iniquity and Liberation Theology have become the new religion. The coming Synod will consecrate these as the new doctrine. When this is done, one who wishes to remain faithful to Christ will have to cease going to these mainstream churches as they will be the church of antichrist. This Synod will not be gathered to fight any heresy as it was the case with the first 7 Ecumenical Synods, but to proclaim a heresy as Truth. This Synod will be about self-exaltation, the promotion of humanist ideas and human wisdom (reasoning) above Christ’s Truth. The unholy gathering will mark the beginning of the age of worldly glory of World Orthodoxy (as “Global Christianity”) and the start of the exclusive catacomb existence of the few remaining true faithful.
By signing this declaration, the Russian Church has denied the most important aspect of the missionary work each Orthodox Christian is called to do: proselytism. By this they admit Orthodoxy is nothing special, but just another “religion”. That which many holy martyrs and saints died for throughout many centuries has just been denied and trashed today by declaring the Catholic church as “sister church”, confessing the same truth. This is a heresy.
“Orthodox and Catholics are united not only by the shared Tradition of the Church of the first millennium, but also by the mission to preach the Gospel of Christ in the world today. This mission entails mutual respect for members of the Christian communities and excludes any form of proselytism,” it says.
“We are not competitors but brothers, and this concept must guide all our mutual actions as well as those directed to the outside world. We urge Catholics and Orthodox in all countries to learn to live together in peace and love, and to be “in harmony with one another” (Rm15:5),” it says.
“Consequently, it cannot be accepted that disloyal means be used to incite believers to pass from one Church to another, denying them their religious freedom and their traditions. We are called upon to put into practice the precept of the apostle Paul: “Thus I aspire to proclaim the gospel not where Christ has already been named, so that I do not build on another’s foundation” (Rm15:20),” the declaration says.
Rev 17:11 (KJV) says: “And the beast that was, and is not, even he (the beast) is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”
This is the 8th Synod, of robbery, that is coming. Is of the seven because is of the same nature as of the previous seven ecumenical councils, but it will be for perdition, as it will mark the victory of spiritual communism. It should be considered that various translations may (or may not as is the case with the KJV version) include the word “king” or “kingdom”, as the eight king or kingdom. That is to be read as “authority”. The English translation of the Bible considered the most accurate by Orthodox scholars is the King James version.