Disclaimer: In some of our articles, especially under the Modern Issues section, we present readers with challenging issues to examine, reflect upon and research. The material is neither supported nor rejected by us, and no one is responsible for its content, other than the original source. Therefore readers are requested not to make any complaints, but to take time to reflect on the material from an Orthodox perspective.

Stop spraying us!


The ongoing effort to sound the alarm continues to gain momentum. The most prominent billboard in the city of Rohnert Park on the major US 101 freeway now features the most recent GeoengineeringWatch.org awareness message. As the climate system continues to disintegrate, the ongoing illegal global geoengineering programs of omnicide are becoming ever more difficult to hide in plain view. Truly blue skies are now almost nonexistent, formerly sleeping populations are beginning to realize something is radically wrong. A massive billboard message in an urban location on a major California Freeway may be the last connecting dot needed for some to see the bigger picture. I wish to extend my most sincere gratitude to Brian Schuler for his efforts in arranging this very important major highway billboard message. And to Sean Slavin for his part in working with Brian. Sean’s efforts to raise awareness of the climate engineering issue with complete strangers is what yielded the connection that has now lead to the accomplishment of the Rohnert sign.

It’s really that simple. A chance encounter and a random series of events led to something profound.

We hope that this story helps inspire others. We also hope that this helps you to realize that we all make a difference. We are all the same. The choices we make and the action we take are the only thing that separates us.

So to our fellow brothers and sisters fighting the good fight, remember this: We are not alone and we can all make a positive difference. One seemingly insignificant act can change the course of things forever.

As the Hopi elders say: “We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for”. ~ Sean Slavin


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If we all pull together, if we all look for every possible  opportunity to awaken others and to move the ball forward toward reaching a critical mass of awareness, we will yet positively effect the final outcome. Never give up, make your voice heard in this all important battle.
Other articles featuring GeoengineeringWatch.org billboards from around the country are below.
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