Greece in turmoil
With the announcement of its prime minister Alexis Tsipras who called on a referendum on the agreement with its creditors, the situation in Greece has turned to turmoil. Capital controls are now being put in place by the banks, and long lines to the ATMs are forming at 2 AM at night. And what is worse, is that the June 30 payment to the IMF looks like it is going to be missed, meaning default.
The next few days will be critical and the result of the referendum will decide Greece’s faith, but it is to be expected that Mr Putin may come out publicly in support for voting against extending the bailout accords and for Greece to leave the EU, promising a quick integration into the BRICS alliance.
The Greek people may or may not choose to stay in the EU, but their faith is now in their hands. It is now up to which side of the media will be more skilled into deceiving the general public to go one way or another, for the real answer lies with neither of the two choices.
Update: Mr Putin had actually invited Greece to join BRICS and move away from the West, last month.