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Response to Mr Obama’s prayer breakfast statement

Dear Mr Obama, in a recent “prayer breakfast”, which by your statement was clearly used as an opportunity to condemn Christianity, you made the following remark:

’People Committed Terrible Deeds In The Name of Christ’


Yes Mr Obama, in the West, Catholics and other heretics have done terrible things in the name of Christ. Those that deviated from the truth have done such things because their purpose was to destroy Christ and Christianity. They launched crusades and wars in the so called “Christ’s name”. They are still waging wars to this day. In the East, heretics like the Bolsheviks and Communists have done alike and have never repented.

But show us Mr President, when a True Orthodox nation, one that did not deviate from the Truth, ever has done anything like what you are accusing Christians of? Never anything like what you are saying! Instead what do they get today? Nothing but the suffering for what others have done in the so called “name of Christ”.

The real target Mr Obama, has always been True Christianity – True Orthodoxy, which today exists really only in great persecutions, suffering for the sins of the others, just like Christ suffered for the sins of others.

To this truth Mr President, you and your counterparties in the East are turning a blind eye.

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