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Category Archives: Political

Has it begun?

Gold up 300 USD in the last minutes of trading on COMEX on Tue Nov the 25th. We have a feeling this is a harbinger of things soon to come. The West was quick to cover up the whole story by knocking the price back and pretending nothing happened, but what will really matter at

“Project Prophecy”

The title says it all, please all read ! http://moneymorning.com/jim-rickards-coming-great-depression/

The most dangerous time is now

The most dangerous time in the recent history of the US is starting now. With the mid term elections clearly showing people are fed up with Obama’s “hope and change”, the elite bankers are going to have to pull another rabbit out of the hat in order to prevent some really violent and damaging unraveling

Obama’s Ebola Czar advocates de-population !

When Obama administration said they did not need a medical expert as the chief of the new Ebola Czar office, they really meant it – they needed a depopulation expert ! http://investmentwatchblog.com/exposed-ebola-czar-ron-klain-says-overpopulation-is-todays-biggest-problem/

Breaking News – Sierra Leone Declares Colloidal Silver As The Official Ebola Therapy !

No matter how hard the corrupt West is trying to cover this up, the hardly stricken West African nations are waking up to the truth. No wonder all of a sudden we have stopped hearing about new cases of Ebola. Are they taking a pause to rethink their strategy? http://drrimatruthreports.com/media-release-sierra-leone-government-announces-official-ebola-therapy-nano-silver-10-ppm/ Instead, the fully corrupt western

They will ask you to take that vaccine !

They trained you with the bird flu scare, then the swine flu, then whatever else there was, we lost track. They will say that if you don’t, you may be taken away as you may be a danger to society. They will force your kids to take it in schools. You will be asked to

Ebola, martial law and the FEMA coffins

Are you ready for the Gulags to return, this time in the West, when you could be scooped up in the middle of the night and not be seen again? Get ready, because they are coming, and it could all be under the guise of a pandemic like Ebola, war or both! We strongly believe

The “Control Information Anywhere” agency (CIA)

We would only like to ask one question: how is this not communism? “I was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans to report…not exactly the truth.” – Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor of one of Germany’s main daily publications, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2014/10/08/non-official-cover-respected-german-journalist-blows-whistle-on-how-the-cia-controls-the-media/ On a similar note, we would like to red-flag

Getting ready for Ebola

“Scientists” have long called for culling 90% of humans as we are considered a pest destroying the Earth, producing green-house gases just by breathing. You see, we are the problem! In their view, we are not beings made in the image and likeness of God, but useless eaters as Fabian Society and one of its

The Georgia Guidestones – Updated !

“Who” updated the guidestones and “why”? The “how” part may be a bit more obvious – think Ebola, Fukushima, Wars, GMO (food), Fluoride (water), Chemtrails (air), Agenda 21 … there are so many options

Mr Obama’s Personal Tragedy

It is often easy to point to Mr Obama and see him as the source of all evil coming from the USA today, but people often fail to look behind the political figure to see that there may a real personal tragedy with the man Barack Obama. Behind the mask there still is a person

Obama and the Baphomet

In his speech on the eve of 911 just a few days ago, where he laid out his plan for “tackling” ISIS, Obama appears in front of a whole nation to deliver his message on TV with a strange set of horns behind his head – four of them. The alternative media has not failed

BRICS and the worldwide Communist agenda

With Russia making decisive moves away from the dollar system and closer to full BRICS integration, it is time to take a quick look at what BRICS really is. The West-East chess game is nothing more than the fulfillment of the Zionist long established plan of creating a worldwide money crisis, moving away from the

The West-East chess game and the destruction of Orthodox countries

The EU has quickly back-paddled after Barosso breached the diplomatic protocol when he revealed Putin’s remarks about “taking Kiev in two weeks” and admitted these comments were “taken out of context”. It is very likely this was a direct reaction to Mr Putin’s threat to reveal the transcript of the entire conversation, which undoubtedly would

ISIS: things are about to get much more complicated

The West is using its latest creation, ISIS, to start to destabilize Russia itself. That is very grave escalation with unpredictable consequences. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/506366.html Things are very complicated and very hard to make sense of at this point, but as big as the confusion is, the same pattern can be observed yet again: the West, through

Major vaccines conspiracy uncovered, highest CDC officials involved

The Zionist agenda (as revealed in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) is unraveling and everything that was hidden is being revealed to the world. Just like in the case of ClimateGate, again scientific fraud is at the very heart of the scandal, and as usual, CNN is deeply involved in the coverup –

Foley video with Briton was staged, experts say

The western media today is only about playing with our minds, it has only one purpose left – MASS DECEPTION ! Everything we see in the media today is about manipulation our perceptions and exploiting our fears. They are Pavlov, and we are the dogs: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article4186089.ece

The convoy that was, and is not, yet there is …

After the story of the Russian convoy of 23 armed vehicles that supposedly entered Ukraine was shown to have only existed in the imagination of the delusional western press, the same sold out media if again going all crazed up about the the “illegal” humanitarian Russian convoy that was allowed to enter Ukraine by the

A war to defend Orthodoxy with Chechen Muslim fighters?

If this is true, then there is not much else we need to really see that this has nothing to do with defending Orthodoxy, unfortunately. Many people have been asking themselves, who are these Russian rebels fighting in eastern Ukraine? Who are they? We found various sources on the internet that say they are Chechens,

How to protect from Ebola

We encourage people to watch the following video all the way through. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Wxg29l_944

A world on the edge …

In The West … The “Tree Of Hope” has died, been removed and destroyed in secret! There is no going back, the fate of America has been sealed and can no longer be reversed. God’s judgement on America is near! http://www.wnd.com/2014/08/harbinger-author-says-loss-of-tree-of-hope-a-warning/ Must see: Isaiah 9:10 Judgement In Russia … Is Mr Putin’s goal really about

Samantha Power warns Russia

The Marxist revolutionaries that have taken over the US government are becoming more brazen than ever. The very own architect of the UN doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect” which has already “successfully” been applied in Egypt, Lybia and elsewhere, strikes again. The George Soros’ puppet, who also happens to be Cass Sunstein’s wife (coincidence?), has

The last revolution

Here it comes … Matt Damon: “The problem today isn’t civil disobedience, it is civil obedience… Our problem is the numbers of people all over the world who have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience.” Actor Donald Sutherland:

Unprecedented on mainstream media: Engineers and Architects for 911 Truth

At last, exposing the lies of what really happened on 911 – live on C-SPAN. Why are they allowing this to be told on the mainstream media now? Why now?

Why is the coming world war so important for their plans …

There is a very good reason: war will be the perfect cover under which they will be able to scoop up all those they need gone. NSA has gathered the needed information, war will offer the chance to do the cleanup. In times of war, anything is permitted …